They express their appreciation and admiration.
First of all, I would like to express my appreciation and admiration to our hosts, the Ministry of Education of Korea for their initiative in organizing this APEC International Roundtable.
It is a very special pleasure for me to have this occasion to publicly express my deep admiration and appreciation for Grigori Perelman.
I returned home with a deeper appreciation of my own faith, a profound admiration for Israel, and for the first time, some understanding of Palestinian aspirations and grievances.
If you heed these five hints, you'll not only contribute to your job security; you'll also win your boss's admiration and appreciation — as well as a little loyalty.
Men and women each have six unique love needs that are all equally, important. Men primarily need trust. acceptance, appreciation, admiration, approval, and encouragement.
Men and women each have six unique love needs that are all equally, important. Men primarily need trust. acceptance, appreciation, admiration, approval, and encouragement.