Therefore, a country's international trade position could be affected by an appreciation of its currency.
Therefore ,a country's international trade position could be affected by an appreciation of its currency .
A touch of currency appreciation, while possibly negative for exporters, can benefit economies overall by keeping prices of imported goods, especially food and oil, low.
So far a lot of the media focus has been on the appreciation of China's currency.
In April Singapore's Monetary Authority said it would allow a "gradual and modest" appreciation of its currency.
But because its funds will not be denominated in Chinese currency, it will also have to compensate for the appreciation of the yuan, which Mr Qu expects to be 3-5% a year.
而且由于其基金不会以人民币记价,它也将需要补偿人民币升值的影响。屈宏斌预计人民币每年将升值3- 5%。
But the disruption is contained by the existence of a central bank that is ready to intervene if the currency appreciation becomes excessive.
In the world of foreign exchange, several emerging market countries has been allowing limited currency appreciation, as a kind of fighting inflation means type input.
Even if you weren't intrigued by other aspects of the rock star digital currency, it's hard to argue with over 5, 000% appreciation in less than a year.
Nomura strategist Sean Darby notes 'the perception that one currency will appreciate over another is enough to cause a self perpetuating cycle of appreciation.
野村证券的策略师肖恩•达比(Sean Darby)指出,人们对一种货币兑另一种货币的汇率将要上扬的预期足以使前一种货币进入一个自我支撑的升值周期。
On the back of rising commodity prices, currency appreciation can work as a disinflationary force .
Regarding the currency markets, the central message was that China had to do more to increase the flexibility of CNY and to allow for a further appreciation of its currency.
Brazil has launched a fresh attempt to limit the appreciation of its currency, as fast-growing economies renew efforts to restrict damaging inflows of "hot money".
Under the floating-rate system a fall in the market price (the exchange rate value ) of a currency is called a depreciation of that currency ; a rise is an appreciation .
Usually, a country's foreign exchange market currency appreciation or depreciation will affect its international balance of payments.
A small part of the increase reflected interest on bonds, the appreciation of stocks and currency fluctuations.
The U. S. wants visible progress on a range of issues, including currency appreciation, intellectual-property protection and reduction of domestic subsidies.
The U. S. wants visible progress on a range of issues, including currency appreciation, intellectual-property protection and reduction of domestic subsidies.