The story is all too-familiar: on April 20, 2010, the Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded, killing eleven workers and creating the largest oil spill in the history of U.S. offshore drilling.
Have you ever played jokes on others, especially on April fool's Day? Have you ever been fooled by others? Tell your story to your partner.
On Dec. 28, Mexico's version of April Fool's Day, the newspaper La Prensa ran a spoof story saying that Fox would marry Sahagun on Valentine's Day.
"Do You Own Facebook?" a New York magazine cover story asked warily in April.
At around 5 p.m. on April 2, local police and officers from the Philippines National Bureau of Investigation descended on a four-story warehouse in suburban Manila.
These country dwellers became known as "April fools", the story goes.
Even the media occasionally try to trick the public with a clever April Fool story.
Regarding the Talk of April 14, 1951, in which Mother tells the story of two young men who met with accidents and used a cat as a vital support to inform Mother of their death.
According to the story, the first of April is not yet complete, heavenly king you have a hundred years waiting time, since you already know the purpose, and shall not ready?
According to the story, the first of April is not yet complete, heavenly king you have a hundred years waiting time, since you already know the purpose, and shall not ready?