Amethyst is the birthstone for an Aquarian born in February and garnet for an Aquarian born in January.
Amethyst is the birthstone for an Aquarian born in February and garnet for an Aquarian born in January.
This is also a month with a lot of Aquarian influence.
The Aquarian Age will be about us knowing what to do in our hearts.
As you cross into the Aquarian Age, trust the flow of divine wisdom.
There are two types of Aquarian : one type likes people, but doesn't need them.
We look forward to continuing the close relationships that have been forged with our Aquarian customers.
If you are an Aquarian, your special and unique gift is your tolerance and understanding of other people.
The music and fashions of the sixties reflects the 'Aquarian' beliefs of this unique and 'rad' generation.
No matter where you or when you do it, congratulations for making it to day 40 and welcome to the Aquarian Age!
Aquarius traits make the personality of an Aquarian richer and he is known to be an interesting person in any group.
Water stands for wisdom. Waterfall Collection leads us to the next Aquarian Century with the spiritual wisdom and the endless life energy.
Amethyst is the birthstone for an Aquarian born in February and garnet for an Aquarian born in January. Here are a few facts about Aquarius...
As Uzzle walked amid Woodstock's many potential disasters-rain, drugs, food and water shortages-he felt something of an Aquarian spirit in the air.
We have been going through these seasons of change as we approach the Aquarian Shift around 11/11/2011 and the first summer solstice of that shift in 2012.
Especially after Marilyn Furguson wrote in her book the Aquarian Conspiracy that the fraternity dedicated to this philosophy constituted a worldwide network.
People without the Aquarian energy running through them lead fairly conventional lives and do not really feel the need to buck the tide or change the status quo.
Pluto is the career planet, Venus is the planet that controls not only the matters of love but also the family life, and Neptune is the money planet, while the Moon controls the health of an Aquarian.
Pluto is the career planet, Venus is the planet that controls not only the matters of love but also the family life, and Neptune is the money planet, while the Moon controls the health of an Aquarian.