There is much difficult in applying biological plastic techology in protection of culture relics data, but this techology will be used widely on archaeology and anthropology in the future.
The study of our human nature encompasses a variety of fields ranging from anthropology, primatology, cognitive science and psychology to paleontology, archaeology, evolutionary biology and genetics.
Li Fajun. An application of the Plastination Technique in the Fields of Archaeology and Physical Anthropology. In: Southeast Culture 2004:1.
Anthropology and archaeology focuses on the systematic study of human beings. their antecedents and related primates. and their cultural behavior and institutions. in comparative perspective.
Observations of Three Non-metric Traits in Ancient Groups In Northern China. International Archaeological Academic Forum: Physical Anthropology and Molecular Archaeology. Changchun, China. 2005.
Observations of Three Non-metric Traits in Ancient Groups In Northern China. International Archaeological Academic Forum: Physical Anthropology and Molecular Archaeology. Changchun, China. 2005.