They co-operate through various regional groups.The most important is the Arctic Council, which has a remit that is environmental and non-binding.
They co-operate through various regional groups. The most important is the Arctic Council, which has a remit that is environmental and non-binding.
The Arctic Council, grouping nations with territory in the Arctic, is due to meet in Tromsoe, north Norway, Wednesday to debate the impact of melting ice in the north.
In fact, he and fellow researchers from the Arctic Council are doing some sums at the moment; they will complete their assessment of global warming's impact on shipping next year.
The Arctic Council, which brings together the eight nations with Arctic territories and representatives of indigenous people, has had a working group on short-lived forcings for some time.
Status Offline So far, despite some posturing by Canada and Russia, there are few territorial disputes in the region and the Arctic Council, the club of Arctic nations, has functioned reasonably well.
Status Offline So far, despite some posturing by Canada and Russia, there are few territorial disputes in the region and the Arctic Council, the club of Arctic nations, has functioned reasonably well.