All descriptions, measurements and acreage provided by the Seller and the Auctioneer are to be used as a guide only.
"This is the direction it needs to go in the future if these virtual currencies are to be used as a serious platform for commerce," he says.
All of the above questions are to be used as mirrors to check on our own virtue or non-virtue. They are not meant to be judgmental eyes to pick on others' faults. Do you know that?
The plasma sprayed tungsten coatings were prepared on oxygen free copper substrates, which are to be used as the plasma-facing materials of the divergent components in fusion reactors.
Quadratic analysis method is used to acquire Ic, K and Oc, which are to be used as the criteria for determination of oilbearing property, oilbearing reservoir quality and oilbearing grades.
The defining term of intelligence in humans still seems to be the IQ score, even though IQ tests are not given as they used to be.
定义人类智力的术语似乎仍然是IQ分数,尽管 IQ测试的过程已经和过去不同。
Either way, if its roots are pulled up from out of the ground as the tree topples over, then there's usually a big hole, a pit left in the ground where the roots used to be.
"They will suffer the most, as they are already," said Mary Robinson, who used to be a UN Special Envoy on Climate Change and a president of Ireland.
It would be lighter than the batteries used as we are aiming to reduce the size of those batteries, if not replace them completely.
The problem is especially acute in businesses like music, where money is tighter than ever and even the hits are not quite as solid as they used to be.
The heights used at present are so low as to be ideal only for small children.
Although using adapter patterns may not be applicable in all cases, they are a shortcut to developing an SOA application when they can be used, as demonstrated in this article.
Stakeholders are even the wrong category to be used as a primary source of knowledge when we need to architect an enterprise system.
By default, the input connection variables are used as the inputs to a function; however, these may be edited if desired.
Study abroad gives you the opportunity to break out of your academic routine. Study abroad is likely to be much unlike what you are used to doing as a student.
Even for those workers still employed by SOCEs, the terms of employment are not as secure as they used to be.
“While definitely there are still people who do illegal things, it isn’t as pronounced as it used to be because the penalties are so stiff, ” Coleman said.
As new components are built and deployed, some of them having a wider usage beyond the immediate application are exposed as services to be re-used by future development efforts.
Soyuz capsules are used to ferry crew to and from the orbiting platform, and enough vehicles are always present so that they can be used as "lifeboats" if an emergency arises.
Once the processes are modeled, the outputs of the models can be used as inputs to the requirement gathering phase of an initiative.
Acquaintance as shallow as that with the news is probably no great loss to society; Pew surveys of general knowledge suggest that young people are about as well (or badly) informed as they used to be.
Materials to be used for structural purpose are chosen so as to behave elastically in the environmental condition.
CULV designs are pretty much what used to be sold as ultraportables for travelling business executives to use on planes.
Any remaining arguments are used as the files or directories to be included in the archive.
They are not as optimistic about the future as they used to be.
If such funds are to be used, they must also be injected in as carefully targeted and controlled a way as possible.
These values are examples and as such are not to be used as recommendations for your implementation.
Pew surveys of general knowledge suggest that young people are about as well (or badly) informed as they used to be.
Since when are bones meant to be used as cushioning tissues?
Since when are bones meant to be used as cushioning tissues?