STEVEN: Jeff, are you all set?
Are you all set for the journey?
Alan: Nothing you need to worry about. Are you all set for the rehearsal?
At a minimum, you want to review and set the default policies that are granted to all your users (see table 1).
For example, if you set AUTO_MAINT to a value of OFF, all other automatic maintenance parameters are considered to have an effective value of OFF, regardless of whether or not they are set to on.
And the last thing you should do is create a list of things you need to do tomorrow so you are all set for the next work day.
After case-insensitive queries have been enabled, there are also procedures for changing all or just part what you set up by using several methods.
Of course, you need to register the procedures in the databases of the target system, and you are all set up.
Now you are all set to test the configuration.
For each set, you must designate one primary persona; the others are all secondary.
Now, if you are someone with your retirement plans all set and ready to go, this article will be way too basic for you.
If the root disks are imaged from original media or a NIM installation, you will need to set up and configure all the devices when the server boots up (except for the network adapter that NIM USES).
You are all set to start your presentation and - guess what?
Now, you are all set to write your first relations, as shown in Listing 2.
If you can divide all of your topics into basic concepts, tasks, or references, then you are set; but what happens if you want to migrate into another specialized DTD?
After this step you are all set to launch your transliteration ETL job.
You are now all set to start learning how to configure your merged production workflow in a BPEL file.
You might say, "Look, the physicalist can't tell us that, because all the physical parts are still there when you've got the corpse, at least if it's a fresh corpse before the decay has set in."
All you have to do is set the appropriate values in preferences; then you are ready to run the same application on a device.
Alternatively, you can set aside partitions or use network mounts for some or all storage; however, disk files are convenient and flexible, so I emphasize their use.
This is, of course, impossible in many cases, but there are times where the result set is finite, and in other cases the beginning of the infinite stream of solutions is all you need.
The first thing you should do is make sure all servers are locked down to the highest speed possible using full duplex and the switch port is set to match.
When you have deep set beliefs that you are a high status male, and that no matter where you are, that you are among the elite males, then all these anxieties and problems fall away.
If you want objects where the properties and fields are all read-only and set in constructors, you still have to write the same code you would write 1.0.
如果想让对象的属性和字段都为只读并可在构造函数中进行设置,那么我们仍然需要像在。NET 1.0那样编写代码。
In this way you know all the computers powered on are either flashing their BMC firmware or waiting for the IP address to be set.
W: Here you are, Sir. You are all set.
In the next window select your plug-in from the list, and you are all set.
If the bits in the preferred slot of register 8 are all set to false, you skip to the end of the function.
If the bits in the preferred slot of register 8 are all set to false, you skip to the end of the function.