Seeking advice is a smart thing to do, but before you do, make sure you are ready to accept it.
You need to be sure that you are ready to purchase a new home.
After you save the file and make sure that it contains a button and the tag, you are ready to publish it to Document Manager.
在保存文件并确保它包含一个按钮和标记,就可以将它发布到Document Manager了。
Let's set some action points. Sam, can you make sure the payments have come through? Sally, can you make sure the goods are ready for delivery?
The ice IS cracking and breaking, where are you? Still on it? I am sure some of you remember us asking you personally : Are you ready?
We are arriving at the terminus of this line. Please make sure you have all your belongings with you and get ready to get off. Thank you.
Once you are sure of the amount of time and energy your are ready to something, you can then better address the issue or decision you are facing.
For example, are you trying to go to the gym, get the kids ready for school, do laundry, and walk the dog all before 9:00 a. m.? Make sure you don't bite off more than you can chew.
Think of ways to impress someone you think is special and you will get a very serious response. Make sure you are ready to reciprocate before you start the ball rolling.
Please be sure you are ready to dress yourself and your child before you come (the whole family are fully dressed).
If you are sure you are ready to begin studying, make a commitment.
If you are sure you are ready to begin studying, make a commitment.