The strategic challenge we had was-we were in the position of trying to argue everything's great, so it's time for a change, right?
Two approaches are on offer. Some think the best way to limit emissions is to tax them; others argue for a system that sets a cap on pollution, and lets polluters trade the right to emit.
Onyango has won the right to re-argue her case, and is understood to be intending to present new evidence in support of a plea for asylum in the US.
But I would argue that another really important part of management is knowing the appropriate techniques for reaching right answers.
Although it is only a guide, the Fibonacci ratios would argue that the 12.00 level is very important so this should be the right area for a low.
Colin is a right barrack-room lawyer; he'll argue about anything just for the sake of it.
Colin is a right barrack-room lawyer; he'll argue about anything just for the sake of it.