Asymmetric reduction of acetophenone derivatives preparing chiral aromatic alcohol has become a new focus of study.
The retention behaviors of aromatic alcohol homologues in hydrophobic interaction chromatography ( HIC ) were investigated firstly.
首次研究了芳香醇同系物在疏水色谱(HIC )中的保留行为。
Extruded vinyl aromatic foam with 1, 1, 1, 2 - tetrafluoroethane and alcohol as blowing agent.
This paper described the synthesis of new aromatic chemical Muguet alcohol.
Based on the infrared spectra, it is suggested that the scale insects waxy compounds are composed majorly by long-chain fatty alcohol and fatty acids and some compounds with aromatic ring.
Chloroalkanes and aromatic solvents tend to result in transparent gels, while alcohol and other solvents yield opaque gels.
Provided that the variety is treated well and that the production is kept low, the wines can be aromatic and will have enough alcohol.
It primarily indicated that 4 selected yeasts fermented with higher speed, produced more alcohol, and the products possessed both original fruit and pure aromatic flavour.
ABSTRACT: Generally speaking, for both reds and whites, wine at lower temperatures will be less aromatic (read: less flavorful) and the alcohol will be less apparent.
ABSTRACT: Generally speaking, for both reds and whites, wine at lower temperatures will be less aromatic (read: less flavorful) and the alcohol will be less apparent.