When I was a kid, a lot changed around me.
"There's no way around the uncertainty," says Kimberly Thompson, president of Kid Risk, a nonprofit group that studies children's health.
So RSS is not a new kid on the block, in fact it was around way before the new Social Web came about.
Give a kid permission to chase the cat around the house for a couple minutes, the giggles will be contagious.
I have an admission to make: I can't say "no" when a cute kid from the neighborhood comes around selling coupon books and discount CARDS.
So when the two met at parties around New York City, the relationship developed like a childhood friendship where one kid has a bunch of cool toys and the other knows a bunch of great jokes.
DNA: Original Super 8 story hearkens to Abrams' fondness for toying around with Super-8 cameras when he was a kid, a hobby shared by the film's producer, Steven Spielberg.
Kids are quick (all parents know that) and the only thing quicker than a kid is a Labrador retriever around anything remotely edible.
"It's too late to intervene by the time a kid has been shaken or abused around the head area," says Stephens.
RON Baron: you're trying to find someone who you think is — so, when you're a kid and you're growing up and you're in school, you look around the classroom and you say, "I like those guys."
I am no longer a kid; I don't play around trees anymore.
Ever since I was a little kid, whenever I've had a lousy day, my dad would put his arm around me and promise me that "tomorrow will be a better day."
He is still that kid hanging around Curtis High School practices as a seventh-grader, seeking a chance to play with the big boys.
Put a kid in a puddle and watch him cheerfully splash around.
She chatters away around his side like a never-grown-up kid utterly depending on this man.
It's high time you stopped fooling around. You're not a little kid anymore.
When William Randolph Hearst was a little kid, he traveled around the countries in Europe with his mom.
"I am no longer a kid, I don't play around trees anymore." The boy replied, "I want toys." I need.
This may seem mundane to you, but when you're a little kid and you see the big buff guys walking around the amusement park and they got all these big stuffed animals, right?
Then I used the gradient tool set to Radiant (with black on the outside, and transparent on the inside) to create a darkening around the kid, and set that layer to Overlay.
I mean, no kidding around. I was going back through the family archives, and what was really amazing was, I couldn't find any pictures of me as a kid where I wasn't smiling.
I mean, off season I just play pick-up, and plus I get a lot more time with my family and friends, and you know that takes my mind off, just being around my wife and kid.
"They love the game, and I love being around their energy," Bryant said. "It takes me back to when I was a kid."
I am no longer a kid I don't play around trees anymore.
I am no longer a kid I don't play around trees anymore.