This is definitely not art for art's sake. It is, rather, art for the law's sake.
Even intellects joined this activity, and it was divided into two functions: art for daily use and art for art's sake.
More importantly, their spirit of "art for the sake of art" is meaningful in artistic history, which makes their status in art history outstanding.
Yet the pity is that the design of art, as a scientific subject, lags far behind of economic research, and still holds the idea of "design for art's sake", which is a concept of blur design of art.
The cry of "art for art's sake" locked artists within the ivory tower of pure art, which caused the relationship between the public and contemporary art to become distant and remote.
Modernist techniques are used not in "art for arts sake" but for "art in the artists sake" : William Faulkner aimed at articulating spiritual predicament of people in modern society.
Their art does not try to serve society:it's just art for art's sake.
We fail to understand art and the essence of art if we do not recognize it as merely an overflow of physical and mental energy, free and unhampered and existing for its own sake.
We fail to understand art and the essence of art if we do not recognize it as merely an overflow of physical and mental energy, free and unhampered and existing for its own sake.