When the art lesson finally ended, Lucy didn't dare to hand in her work.
It was Saturday and the art enthusiasts were out, so, with coffee in hand, I dropped off our host at work.
The art market is divided into "primary", new work sold through galleries, and "secondary", literally second-hand art, which is often put up for auction.
On the other hand this work is unique in what concernes for the interventions of artists who, by installing art works in the building area, raised the subject of art and rehabilitation symbiosis.
They are all prepared by hand and are a work of art, almost too beautiful to eat.
But now, o LORD, thou art our father; we are the clay, and thou our potter; and we all are the work of thy hand.
Bill Anthony, a psychology professor at Boston University and co-author of The Art of Napping at Work, thinks that the popularity of company nap rooms often goes hand-in-hand with economic conditions.
波士顿大学(Boston University)的心理学教授、《工间小憩的艺术》(The Art of NappingatWork)一书的作者之一比尔?安东尼认为,公司休息室是否受欢迎与经济状况有密切联系。
Bill Anthony, a psychology professor at Boston University and co-author of The Art of Napping at Work, thinks that the popularity of company nap rooms often goes hand-in-hand with economic conditions.
波士顿大学(Boston University)的心理学教授、《工间小憩的艺术》(The Art of NappingatWork)一书的作者之一比尔?安东尼认为,公司休息室是否受欢迎与经济状况有密切联系。