This quote of Arthur Rubinstein emphasizes the importance of loving life as well as loving the people around you.
Arthur Rubinstein的这句格言强调了热爱生活和热爱周遭的人的重要性。
Although Arthur Rubinstein played some of this repertory, few other pianists outside Spain did, and none with Ms. DE Larrocha's flair.
虽然Arthur Rubinstein也表演了其中的一些曲目,除此很少有人能逾越西班牙的钢琴家,更无人匹敌德拉·罗查女士的才华。
After winning the plaudits of luminaries like Zubin Mehta and Arthur Rubinstein, Mr. Abas left the stage, a burned-out 14-year-old musician.
在赢得了祖宾·梅卡(ZubinMehta)和亚瑟·鲁宾斯坦(Arthur Rubinstein)等大师的喝彩之后,这位精疲力尽的14岁钢琴演奏家拉阿巴斯告别了舞台。
After winning the plaudits of luminaries like Zubin Mehta and Arthur Rubinstein, Mr. Abas left the stage, a burned-out 14-year-old musician.
在赢得了祖宾·梅卡(ZubinMehta)和亚瑟·鲁宾斯坦(Arthur Rubinstein)等大师的喝彩之后,这位精疲力尽的14岁钢琴演奏家拉阿巴斯告别了舞台。