Is it that you oppose artificial selection in principle, or that you feel scientists are still too far away from a full understanding of genetics to be making such decisions?
Artificial selection, at the heart of breeding for desirable traits in domesticated animals, has yielded rapid change in a short span of canine history.
Artificial reef site selection plays a key role in its construction, and it will determine the success of an artificial reef program.
This paper proposes an antibody clone algorithm which based on the clonal selection theory of artificial immune system.
Based on the algorithm for clonal selection theory of artificial immune algorithm.
At last, the expert system for the rock bolting support design and type selection is introduced briefly as an example of artificial computer program.
Inspired by the clone selection principle and memory mechanism of the vertebrate immune system, a new hybrid clustering method based on the artificial immune theory is presented.
This article introduces artificial water system of Expo Park and its waterproofing material selection, detailing anti - seepage design and construction of bentonite carpet and points for attention.
Inspired by the clone selection principle and memory mechanism of the vertebrate immune system, a hybrid algorithm combining C-means algorithm and artificial immune algorithm is presented.
通过借鉴生物免疫系统中的克隆选择原理和记忆机制,提出了一种人工免疫c -均值混合聚类算法。
The approach is based on negative selection mechanism of the natural immune system and combined with artificial neural network to be used for monitoring.
This approach is based on negative selection mechanism of the natural immune system and combined with artificial neural network to be used for monitoring.
It renders real edges which you can hide with an edge selection, as well as artificial edges and points, including SPD edges.
By introducing the information processing mechanism of artificial immune systems and neural network to CSA, an immune clonal selection algorithm (ICSA) was proposed.
The effect of artificial selection and natural selection on the origin and evolution of the characters was also discussed.
The shortcoming of binary negative selection algorithm and the excellence of real value coding based on the negative selection mechanism of artificial immune systems is analysed.
To increase antibody generating speed in artificial immune system, a chaos negative selection algorithm was presented which is based on the chaotic character of immune system.
Although it was gone through evolution by artificial selection and natural selection, Allium tuberosum kept little differentiation from Allium ramosum .
The immunology principles on which Artificial immune System depends mainly include immune network theory, the principle of clonal selection and the principle of negative selection.
The paper investigates the analog circuit fault diagnosis method based on clonal selection algorithm and artificial immune network.
In the artificial immune based intrusion detection systems, mature detectors complete the tolerance and generation process mainly by negative selection algorithm currently.
Rock wool board waterproof rock wool board rock wool is a selection of basalt as the main raw material, by high temperature melting processing of artificial inorganic fibers made.
Using artificial intelligence to make a type selection of full face rock tunnel boring machine an intelligent design system was established.
The results of artificial pollution test of ceramic insulators show that the proposed selection method for infrared thermal image and the image segmentation algorithm are simple and effective.
Currently in the research of artificial immune system, the clonal selection principle is commonly used in designing immune recognition algorithms.
The method for parameter selection of artificial earthquake stimulation is presented in thi.
According to the resource allocation theory, artificial selection, the direction of selection and the degree of selection can all affect the behavioral strategies of animals.
On the basis of the data of fracturing Wells in Zhongyuan Oilfield over the years, a set of artificial intelligence system suitable for selection of well and layer for fracturing is developed.
The negative selection algorithm for an artificial immune system was used to detect vibration signals.
The negative selection algorithm for an artificial immune system was used to detect vibration signals.