As a common person, we could not completely experience the trouble from the press media, some ridiculous reporters and so on.
She was a grave and silent little person with the disconcerting habit of holding your gaze unblinkingly, as if you had nothing in common.
For example, you can't simply decide as one person to change a common data type.
It is common for a person to take a friend to dinner or lunch, just as in many Western cultures.
As the spokesman of the common benefits and order of school and students, higher institution becomes collective legal person, and makes a special power relationship.
This is not as common of a greeting as it used to be, but it is used when you know you're going to see the person (until tomorrow/ until Saturday, etc).
这种方式不像它过去那么常见,但它用于表示当你知道你即将会再见到某人(如明天 见、周六见,等等。)
Making an effective speech is not as difficult as it seems. It is not a special magical trick, it is really just common sense. The person making the speech is really the one with all the magic.
Walter held the view that he was only a common person though he was believed to be extraordinary as an American hero.
In a common manual Labour task, such as lifting or carrying, Raytheon claims the XOS 2 suit would multiply the amount of work done by one person by between two and three times.
Nowadays, distance-learning programs are such common things for us, but some people argue that courses can never be taken as good as those by attending a college or university in person.
Usually as a common net person, they announce possibly vs the review of official avail, try to hit the purpose of effecting the network public opinion.
He asserts from this that Peter Lombard ascribes to God not so much a Trinity as a quaternity, that is to say three persons and a common essence as if this were a fourth person.
I want to be a person as common as others, working for a better life everyday.
In daily life there are several people infringing so that others can not identify the actual damage but the case against the person, such behavior is known as a common risk behaviors.
In daily life there are several people infringing so that others can not identify the actual damage but the case against the person, such behavior is known as a common risk behaviors.