A summary judgment is used when there is no disputes as to the fact of the case, and one party is entitled to judgment as a matter of law.
Under a 1986 law, money has to be raised for a purpose, such as a building.However, this is a matter of substance rather than form.
The strictures of XML are compatible with this law on the server or database side, where managers can impose conservatism as a matter of policy.
For a girl, marrying into the husband's household was not so much a matter of marrying the husband, then, as marrying the mother-in-law.
The art of story-telling, intensely personal and subjective as it is, yet comes under the law sufficiently not to be a matter of sheer ``knack.''
That matter, known as the Rapanos case, involved a Michigan developer and a large tract of land, and turned on the question of when wetlands are connected to the waters covered by the clean-water law.
But as this is a matter of international law, the procedures are strict and they take time.
No matter how honest and decent we are in our private lives, if we do not have the right kind of law and the right kind of administration of the law, we cannot go forward as a nation.
Marriage in Brazil is a matter of local law of the province of the marrying spouses, and is accomplished through a Brazilian notarial office known in Portuguese as "cartorio".
Marriage in Brazil is a matter of local law of the province of the marrying spouses, and is accomplished through a Brazilian notarial office known in Portuguese as "cartorio".