But in using the Celtics as a measuring stick, it's clear the Lakers have a long way to go.
Especially if investors and regulators treat accounting rules sensibly: as a measuring stick, not a source of universal truth.
Once you have your design principles, you can use them as a measuring stick against the concepts you've generated to see which ones best fit.
Volume 1 has already been written. Everything that I accomplished before is behind me: not forgotten but placed on the shelf. My past success only serves as a measuring stick for my peers.
They also serve as a "measuring stick" for assessing potential problem areas and the root causes underlying symptomatic project deficiencies or failures.
A stick bug from the island of Borneo measuring well over a foot in length has been identified by researchers as the world's longest insect, British scientists said Thursday.
A stick bug from the island of Borneo measuring well over a foot in length has been identified by researchers as the world's longest insect, British scientists said Thursday.