Upon creation of new instances of DamageClaim, this document is copied as a new document into each new claim.
For the signed form corresponding to the one given in listing 1, a new document with as the document element must be created with namespaces inherited from all ancestor nodes.
His Protestant heirs continue to view the New Testament as a seriously flawed historical document.
When creating a new document, there is a shortcut for adding boilerplate HTML, as shown below.
After selecting a layer, you may want to copy it to a new document where you can save it as a separate image.
First, however, you need to get a reference to a new document as shown in listing 2.
XMLTABLE: a new SQL function which is designed to view some portion of an XML document as a relational table.
You should see a new XML file in the root directory of your c: drive containing the instance document as it existed when you saved it.
Save a new mail document as draft.
Copy the hierarchy of files in a local file system to any specified cmis compliant repository and preserve the filename of the file as the cmis: name of the new cmis document.
将本地文件系统中的文件的层次结构复制到任何指定的cmis兼容存储库,并将文件的文件名保留为新的cm is文档的cm is:name。
This method determines if this is a new document and notifies its consumers as appropriate with the current DocumentSelection.
To make the data representation process clear, we first copy the needed values from the document into a new Employee object as shown in listing 8.
You can simply create a new expression (remember that these are just references, often called location paths, to locations within the XML document) as a string.
Suppose that we have a new J2EE human resources system that lets users perform certain print-related tasks, such as sending a document to a printer and viewing and managing print queues.
Because of this, a full document update is not recommended, as it would overwrite the existing document with a new document, possibly causing a loss of information.
For years after the cold war ended, NATO's threat assessment, contained in a document known as MC 161, saw no Russian threat; that is why there are few contingency plans to defend new Allies.
冷战结束后的多年来,包含于一份名叫MC 161的文件中的北约威胁评估认为俄罗斯不构成威胁;这就是为什么几乎没有任何防卫新近加入成员国的应急计划。
In a televised ceremony, representatives of Guinness World Records measured the dark-chocolate bar and handed a document to company managers certifying it as the new record-holder.
The simplest workaround for this scenario is to cancel the original checkout, and then check the document out again as a new reservation.
Next, open a text editor such as Notepad, and paste the information from your clipboard into the new Notepad document.
There are also new options such as document type mapping and deploying ClickOnce applications via a setup.exe file.
现在还有一个新的选项,例如文档类型映射和通过一个Setup. exe来安装ClickOnce应用程序。
4suite Server allows us to set up an XSL transform to handle POST requests such as this form generates, creating a new document that is added to the XML repository.
Just as you do when you create a journal entry, you have to create a new document with the right items.
KParts is the new object framework used in KOffice for embedding documents into other documents, such as embedding a spreadsheet object from KSpread into a KWord (the word processor) document.
This will make more sense if you consider an example: Given specialization and a generic DTD such as HTML, you can create a new document type (call it MyHTML).
When the document opens in Word, a new RequisitePro toolbar and menu category displays, as shown in Figure 9.
XSLT 2.0 adds a new function called unparsed-text that reads a file or other form of a document as a string.
XSLT 2.0增加了新的unparsed-text 函数,可以将文件或者其他文档形式作为字符串读入。
You then use the document object to create a new element, just as you would do in any other language, with the name of div.
As this is a new edition of this document, there may be errors and inaccuracies, that may of course be damaging to your system.
Next make a new document with the same dimensions as your picture.
Create a new document that's the same height as the original chalkboard document's width.