Protecting yourself from identity theft is a matter of treating all your personal and financial documents as top secret information.
But this is largely a matter of personal preference, so feel free to add REFRESH SECURITY as the last step of the second script if you like.
Negotiate cooperatively as a matter of personal dedication to the company’s single focused destiny, even as painful adjustments become necessary.
Of course, you can also put these URLs into an XML file and pass it as input to the query: it's just a matter of personal preference.
The art of story-telling, intensely personal and subjective as it is, yet comes under the law sufficiently not to be a matter of sheer ``knack.''
It is mostly a matter of personal experience on the part of the reviewer, but as the industry matures, best practices such as these will become better defined.
Network providers do not guarantee a certain quality of service, but merely promise to do their best. That may not matter for personal e-mails, but it does for time-sensitive data such as video.
As a matter of fact, I steal quite a few personal products from my husband when my own supplies dip low.
Choice of hairstyle, attire, cosmetics and adornment as a matter of personal preference, but must be professional.
Sheldon: How am I supposed to know that? As a teacher, It's your obligations to separate your personal idiosyncrasies from the subject matter.
We believe it is correct to regard this as a matter of personal choice.
Experts said people should be careful when looking for personal consultants, as it is a matter of privacy.
It is a personal family matter and we would ask that during this difficult time we are allowed space to deal with it as a family.
It's possibly that you'll feel frustrated and may meet with unforeseen rebellion as you fight to gain control over a matter highly personal to you.
Since Man is but of a very limited Power in his own Person, and consequently can effect no great Matter merely by his own personal Strength, but as he acts in Society and Conjunction with others;
I don't think there should be tension between ones work and ones personal life. As a matter of fact, life is colorful and I have many hobbies.
Wins matter, new jordans heels, of course, but great personal stats can elevate a player's status even on a bad team, just as poor performances do the opposite even for a good team.
These behaviors are rather a matter of personal choice, such that their omission are not generally understood as punishable.
These behaviors are rather a matter of personal choice, such that their omission are not generally understood as punishable.