In the later framework, MD5 is defined as an abstract class which can be extended, but its implementation is not trivial.
在Silverlight 2的框架中,MD 5被定义为抽象类,可对其进行扩展,但实现起来非常繁琐。
The UML to C++ transformation treats this as an abstract class, and generates code to reflect the same. For example, consider the following model
UML to C++转换的 UML将它看作一个抽象类,并且产生反映相同特性的代码。
Selects VC 6.0 as software development; tools, according to virtual instrument idea, each instrument category is designed as an abstract class.
以VC 6.0为软件开发工具,利用虚拟仪器的设计思想,将各类测试仪器设计成各个抽象类。
If an operation is declared as abstract then the inheriting class must provide a concrete implementation.
You can declare standard and abstract methods in an abstract class, as shown in Listing 5.
To handle this, you implement customers as an abstract base class with many different subclasses (for example, financial, manufacturing, and so on).
Notice that an abstract class is denoted by italicized text, as are abstract methods.
Suppose you have an abstract class Vehicle, defined as follows in Listing 5.
In this case, we use an abstract class to define the service specification, as shown in Figure 5.
In this case, we use an abstract class to define the service interface and operations of the exposed capabilities, as shown in Figure 3.
You can modify an existing class, pass it as a parameter, and take advantage of the API without requiring the base API to declare an abstract class or interface.
您可以修改已有类,将它作为参数传递,并利用API,而不需要基础 API声明一个抽象类或接口。
The customer class can be an abstract base class for a family of different customer types, such as private or business customer.
An abstract class is good as well.
First, create an abstract base class that encapsulates this common functionality, as in Listing 7.
The class itself is also marked as abstract, allowing Tapestry to handle setting up an instance of the class and hook it into the Tapestry engine.
类本身被标记成抽象的,这允许Tapestry负责设置类的实例,并把实例挂接到 Tapestry 引擎。
And, as you may have noticed, we could have achieved the same effect as the code in Listings 1-3 by using an abstract class (abstract classes are described in Chapter 6).
而且,正如你可能注意到的,我们可以通过使用抽象类获得与清单1 - 3代码同样的效果(抽象类是在第6章中描述的)。
Component sits at the top of the hierarchy and ACTS as an abstract base class for all components. It provides various features such as.
Page acts as an abstract base class for all pages and can contain any arbitrary tree of Components.
Page充当所有页面的抽象基类并可包含 Component 的任意树。
Any class with an abstract method is automatically abstract itself, and must be declared as such. A class may be declared abstract even if it has no abstract methods.
Members marked as abstract, or included in an abstract class, must be implemented by classes that derive from the abstract class.
If the parent class is an abstract class and if it contains at least one abstract member, then all abstract members will be implemented as non-abstract inheriting classes.
Its subclasses can override the method implementation as per need but the invocation is to be in the same way as defined by an abstract class.
Its subclasses can override the method implementation as per need but the invocation is to be in the same way as defined by an abstract class.