As an essential element in tort liability, the causation plays a very important role undoubtedly.
Production planning was seen as an essential element in improving efficiency. Why might that be the case?
When your organization has achieved this, it's a major milestone that demonstrates the importance of estimates as an essential element of a successful project.
However, RubySpec also emphasizes describing Ruby in prose as an essential element of the executable specification and is the reason we use RSpec-compatible syntax.
At last the author discussed the standpoint that illegitimacy of action should not be considered as an essential element for the liability of environmental infringement.
But it is seen as highly likely that Apple will fight Lodsys's claim, because it would destabilise its App Store, which is an essential element in maintaining the attraction of its iPhone.
但苹果很有可能会反击Lodsys的声明,因为这会影响到AppStore的业务,App Store是苹果维持iphone魅力的一个根本因素。
Software is an essential element of the ubiquitous cell phone, as well as complex air traffic control systems.
In areas where a dialog box is essential, Ajax dialog boxes are used to display the dialog box as an element on the page rather than a pop-up, as shown in figure 6.
Probably some people regard changing jobs frequently as a modern living pattern, while I believe if one wants to accomplish something in life, persistence is an essential element?
As this lengthy excerpt from FM 3-0 indicates, operational art is now an essential element in U. S. Army war fighting doctrine.
正如从FM3 - 0摘录的如此长的一段文字所指出的,在美军作战条例中,战役法是必需的。
In the rapid development of cross -cultural communication of today, translation, as an intermediate element, holds an essential position.
As part of and embodiment of the subject consciousness of women as the "person", it is an essential element which determines the self -existence of women.
Cuba's Pavilion reflects on cuisine as a key to Cuba's identity. It reveals the Cuban way of life and its coexistence with nature, an essential element of its artistic and cultural expression.
Chinese element, as pure Chinese sign, is an excellent and essential Chinese advertising.
An inorganic element, such as calcium, iron, potassium, sodium, or zinc, that is essential to the nutrition of human beings, animals, and plants.
But a skeptical introduction would be not only an ungrateful but also a useless course; and that because Dialectic, as we shall soon make appear, is itself an essential element of affirmative science.
As I just detailed above, I know that exercise is an essential element of a happy life for me, and yet I've been very bad, lately, about getting exercise.
As I just detailed above, I know that exercise is an essential element of a happy life for me, and yet I've been very bad, lately, about getting exercise.