Unlike the multitude of elixirs being touted as the latest anti-aging cure, CR mimetics would alter fundamental processes that underlie aging.
与众多被吹捧为最新抗衰老疗法的长生不老药不同,CR 模拟剂将改变构成衰老基础的基本过程。
Unlike high altitude aircraft, helicopters aren't so vulnerable to being seen by radar, as they fly low and are often hidden by the terrain. The big issue is the sound.
As Buechner put it when the sculpture garden was inaugurated: "Unlike the disappearing city represented in this garden, our city is being extruded, rolled out and poured into blank-faced forms."
Unlike Override, deprecated should be placed on the same line as the method being deprecated why?
Unlike the web, print offers no option for scrolling, being bound as it is by the dimensions of the paper.
Mr. Petsch remembers him as being tough, but calm unlike Mr. Jobs, who is known for his fiery temper.
Documents being edited locally save to your Google Docs account whenever you hit the 'save' button, but unlike the normal Google Docs web editor, changes aren't saved as you type them.
文档在当地编辑,然后当你点击“保存”时保存到你的GoogleDocs账户上,而不是像Google Docs在线编辑器那样在你每次输入时保存。
You can also aggregate strings from a sequence of strings: the new string-join function takes a sequence as an argument, unlike concat , which takes many arguments, each being a string.
还可以通过各字符串的序列来聚合字符串,新增的string - join函数以序列为参数,这与concat有所不同,它可以有很多参数,每个参数要求是字符串。
The script notes describe the Whatnots as being stoic creatures, with tall, thin builds and pale countenances, not unlike the alien visitors in Close Encounters of the Third Kind.
This is not unlike being warmly received at a friend's house whose child gets a little rambunctious and spills a drink on you. As a guest, how can you get angry and blame your host?
Unlike the pound, the dollar is being buttressed by its unique status as the world's reserve currency and the vehicle for transactions in U. S. financial markets, including Treasury bonds.
Unlike the pound, the dollar is being buttressed by its unique status as the world's reserve currency and the vehicle for transactions in U. S. financial markets, including Treasury bonds.