If the digital signature is valid, the trusted application domain host passes the signature information as evidence to the runtime's policy mechanism.
This paper briefly describes the definition, characteristics, classification of digital evidence and common steps of forensics, as well as the related techniques and tools.
The host has access to information about the code (evidence), such as the zone in which the code originates, or the digital signatures of the assemblies in the application domain.
Consequently, problems on the legal power of contracts arise such as the time and place of concluding the contract, digital evidence and electronic signature.
Other evidence, such as an assembly's digital signature, is inherent in the code itself and can come from the loader or a trusted application domain host.
This information, called evidence, is provided by the loader or a trusted host and can include items such as the digital signature of the assembly or the Web site where it originates.
This information, called evidence, is provided by the loader or a trusted host and can include items such as the digital signature of the assembly or the Web site where it originates.