Students will be able to choose between English, French and Russian as their first foreign language.
Here I learned my first important lesson: disabled as I was in language, I could still be smart and well express myself with clay.
After two months on an ESL (English as a Second Language) course, I got my first report card.
经过两个月的 ESL(非母语英语课程) 的学习,我拿到了我的第一份成绩单。
Although philosophy no longer USES Latin as its first language, many of Cicero's philosophical terms are still in common employment today.
About 60 percent of people identify English as their first language, while 24 percent claim French.
Notice that the phrase "first functional language" here is apt, as everything is based on functions.
注意,这里所说的 “第一种函数语言”十分贴切,因为一切都基于函数。
"First, you speak the same language as these other companies, making it easier to find a possible position with them," says Dr. Cates.
"First, you speak the same language as these other companies, making it easier to find a possible position with them," says Dr.
English has become a truly international language with more speakers of English as a second language than as a first or mother tongue.
More people speak it as their second language than as their first.
ODBC works by acting as a twofold interface or connector design: First, as a programming language system to an ODBC system and second, as an ODBC system to a data storage system.
Nepali is the national language with 47.8% of the population speaking it as their first language.
If this is a fresh-from-the-factory PS3, go through the setup steps as it prompts you on your first bootup, including setting the language, time, and a username for the PS3 system.
如果这是一个新出厂的PS 3,请按照首次引导时的提示来进行设置,包括设置语言、时间和PS 3系统使用的用户名。
But because English is not his first language and because he's not as tech-savvy as his grandchildren, he has often found dealing with a typical cell phone difficult.
The children of the rich learn English as their first language.
The Achaemenid emperors, vanquishers of the Babylonians in 539BC, spoke Persian as their native language, but pragmatically adopted Aramaic as the world’s first “interlingua”.
You would like the database to be able to store the metadata about the books (title, author, first paragraph) in English as well as the native language.
When they were first published, Lu Xun's short stories were unorthodox in their language, as well as their worldview.
On the estimates of David Crystal, a British expert, some 350m people speak English as their first language.
French arrived as the official language of England in 1066 but it was almost the year 1300 before beef has its first citation as an English word.
I translate for the millions of Arabic language speakers (spoken by more than 280 million people as a first language).
Each volunteer speaker of a language of interest is first tested with what is known as a Swadesh list.
Each volunteer speaker of a language of interest is first tested with what is known as a Swadesh list.