His behavior is as good as ever.
A car keeps on running as good as ever.
Yep, even after seventy years the old ticker is as good as ever!
At times, he has looked as good as ever in the low post, but at other times he has looked slow and out of sync.
It's as good an approximation as we've ever come up with on a screen, and it's why children's media researchers are so excited about the iPad's potential.
这是我们在屏幕上想出的最好的近似值,这也是为什么儿童媒体研究人员对iPad 的潜力如此兴奋。
We're stopped for no reason except that the night is still going and we're drunk, and who wants to go home, ever, and this spot is as good as any to just sit in the shadows and let life slow.
"I don't think I'll ever look as good in a movie," jokes Mortimer. "I would have imagined myself as a battered old Mini."
I do not think things are ever as good as we say and they are never as bad as they say.
Good news for video publishers: Online video viewers are, for the most part, still watching as much TV and seeing as many movies on DVD and in theaters as ever.
Slightly unrelated, but now’s as good a time as ever.
Not that cooking dough on a stone is ever going to be as good as that baked in a stone oven, but we domestic cooks must do what we can.
Now as much as ever, companies are recognizing the value that good design and a solid user experience can bring to them.
Now as much as ever companies are recognizing the value that good design and a solid user experience can bring to them.
I do think Mrs. Long is as good a creature as ever lived -- and her nieces are very pretty behaved girls, and not at all handsome: I like them prodigiously.
我觉得郎格太太这个人真是太好了;她的侄女们都是些规规矩矩的好姑娘,只可惜长得一点也不好看。 我真喜欢她们。
The Death of Ivan Ilych is a late piece of writing, or relatively so, and it's as good as anything Tolstoy ever wrote: a vivid account of the dying process, as harrowing as anything I have ever read.
You need not be afraid of harming him: though I hate him as much as ever, he did me a good turn a short time since, that will make my conscience tender of breaking his neck.
If ever a woman gave a man reason to think himself as good as engaged, she had given him that reason, and yet she refused him as coolly as she would have declined a second plate of soup.
My battery life is as good as it ever was.
I don't mean by any of this that most old people aren't happy, or that the outlook for them isn't now as good as it ever has been.
There's as good fish in the sea as ever come out of it.
The matte, soft-touch, lightly rubbery plastic, the two-tone charcoal/slate, the larger, classy Kindle logo--looks as good as any Kindle ever has. Dan Nosowitz
But the job of managing financial-services powerhouses—keeping people’s money safe as well as making a good return—has become harder than ever.
And making reading off the computer as good or better than paper and so today we're as radical as ever in seeing that the horizons for software will let us get so much more than even what we have now.
Despite the good weather forecast, the next morning was as wet as ever.
Despite the good weather forecast , the next morning was as wet as ever.
He has done all this while assembling as good an attacking team as this country has ever seen.
Dear, if can, we don't dispute again past who to who wrong, as long as remember, loved the other party ever and sincerely good.
"All right," said Drouet, creaking off in his good shoes toward the elevator. The old butterfly was as light on the wing as ever.
"All right," said Drouet, creaking off in his good shoes toward the elevator. The old butterfly was as light on the wing as ever.