While we, as foreigners can not be as English as mother tongue so easily, but this is not the existence of the death of a large number of language translation of the reasons for chaos.
In different countries around the globe, English is acquired as the mother tongue; in others it is used as a second language.
In practice, however, English, the mother tongue of only 8% of South Africans, has taken over as the lingua franca.
English has become a truly international language with more speakers of English as a second language than as a first or mother tongue.
Incisive eloquence—in Latin and Greek as well as their mother tongue—was common fare among Georgians and Victorians lucky enough to have had at least a dozen years of schooling.
Mr Ostler is surely right about the nationalist limits to the spread of English as a mother-tongue.
This is generally true, as the vast majority of peoples there speak Spanish or Portuguese as their mother tongue.
As the increase of age, the use of mother tongue to deepen its curing process, therefore, to eliminate the interference of mother tongue will be more difficult, affected the speed of learning English.
The quantity of thinking in mother tongue tends to decrease as their English proficiency improves.
Simply regard English as our own mother tongue, let it from the cold and rigid homework, to change the lively and vivid to fill up English hard to learn it?
Some identify it as their mother tongue.
Variations are produced by such factors as the migrant's mother tongue and the age at which he migrates, his educational background, his social contacts in Australia.
Learning English as a mother tongue, everyone can communicate with the world.
He fancy that he became a English's superior, and could tell with oral English as well as used his mother tongue when he went out the university after four years.
The Snake plant, also known as Mother-in-law's Tongue, needs little light to grow.
It's likely that in the future, most people will be bilingual or even multilingual, possibly using English as the language of business and their mother tongue for daily or routine tasks.
This research regards language teaching as a whole system, including mother tongue teaching and English teaching. Each system includes listening, speaking, reading and writing.
My mother tongue is French, but I learned to speak English as a small child by watching American TV.
That includes around 400m who speak it as their mother tongue and about the same number who speak it fluently as their second language.
Apart from my mother tongue, I speak several foreign languages as well.
The most basic primary school English as a foreign language education, with special teaching object - is in the primary stages of learning their mother tongue.
So as to prove the negative transfer of mother tongue, the author provides some Suggestions to reduce the interference at the least degree.
So as to prove the negative transfer of mother tongue, the author provides some Suggestions to reduce the interference at the least degree.