The RMB exchange rate floating bands remain the same as previously announced in the inter-bank foreign exchange market.
As previously announced version 1.0, version 1.0 accession on the basis of the exchange on the environment sniffer function!
Niklas Brendtner's agent Nikola Juric has landed this afternoon in Milan and will then, as previously announced by Sportitalia, talk with Roma and AC Milan execuitives.
As previously announced, the Company will not rule out any corporate transaction, including an initial public offering, which could benefit the Company and its stakeholders.
As announced previously, a family cluster in northern Viet Nam has been the focus of intense investigation.
A WHO collaborating laboratory in the United Kingdom has verified H5N1 avian influenza as the cause of death in a 39-year-old Iraqi man, previously announced by the Ministry of Health.
Cameron has also been talking about his plans for two previously announced sequels, as well as the novel he's currently writing, which will set the ground rules for the Avatar universe.
HP today announced that researchers from HP Labs have proven the existence of what had previously been only theorized as the fourth fundamental circuit element in electrical engineering.
He mentions that they are looking to make further improvements to My Player and online play as well as touching on the previously announced improvements to presentation.
As Olam has announced it will produce less than SK Foods was planning to do, industry insiders are wondering what will happen to the raw material SK Foods had previously contracted.
As Olam has announced it will produce less than SK Foods was planning to do, industry insiders are wondering what will happen to the raw material SK Foods had previously contracted.