Questioner: But as we have been saying all through this conversation, how can I observe the past if I am the past?
Questioner: you are too persuasive, Sir, or is it perhaps that you are too logical? Are you trying to influence me to see things as you see them?
Questioner: I have been told by professionals that dreaming is as vital as daytime thinking and activity, and that I would find my daily living under great stress and strain if I did not dream.
Questioner: Well, then you speak of the pyramid, the Great pyramid, I assume, as primarily a healing machine, and also you spoke of it as a device for initiation.
Questioner: Are there any people such as you find on Earth on any of the other planets in our solar system?
Questioner: I am being driven into a comer where I see myself actually as I am, and I see how trivial I am. From there what comes next?
Questioner: This is slightly trivial, but I was wondering why the pyramid was made of many blocks rather than creating the whole thing as one form created at once?
As the questioner says, economic currents are interrelated and so it is a complex problem, and as with all complex human problems it must be approached with simplicity.
The first case, that being correctness, would apply to one such as the questioner itself who has the distortions towards healing, as you call it.
Questioner: I would very much like to continue investigation into the possibility of this healing process, but I'm a little lost as to where to begin.
As presenting the most intransigent case for the philosopher as a radical critic or questioner of society.
Questioner: I have written down, as you suggested last year, my thoughts and feelings for several months, but I don't seem to get much further with it.
Questioner: I have written down, as you suggested last year, my thoughts and feelings for several months, but I don't seem to get much further with it.