Mishkin sees the dotcom boom as less catastrophic because it didn't involve this vicious circle, and he regards the current rise in asset prices as being of this harmless, irrational kind.
“As regards grammar, our research shows that it should not be understood as a whole but that inside it there are some phenomena that do show effects of acquisition and others that do not”, she added.
An agency with a frozen budget regards it as a cutback, because certain expenses rise, such as payroll.
Singapore regards Macau’s strength not as a competitive threat but rather as proof of concept.
Does one of you think of a particular purchase as an essential that the other regards as a "discretionary spend"?
As one of the oldest of my Digital Native generation, I can probably be called an 'early adopter' as regards technological innovations.
As regards other incomes, the taxable income amount shall be calculated according to the approaches as mentioned in the preceding two items by analogy.
The Arabic document, dated December 1982 and widely known as "the Project", sets out what Mr Vidino regards as the movement's strategy for global dominion.
An include action regards a resource such as a JSP page as a dynamic object; i.e. the request is sent to that object and the result of processing it is included.
include操作将JS p页之类的资源视为动态对象;即请求将被发送到该对象,且将包含处理的结果。
Western economics takes market externality as an important field of study and regards it as one of the basic phenomena of market defect.
MilOWS detected the obstacles as expected. The good test results approve the work done by the developers so far as regards the design of this very complex optronic system.
Article 6 as regards capital and credits, it is stipulated as follows.
It regards psychological phenomenon not as a spirit itself, but as a social construction of culture.
There is a controversy concerning the theory of honesty, The non-rational choice model treats honesty as an adventure, while rational choice model regards it as a rational calculation.
Deductive legal reasoning is a reasoning method which regards law as major premise, case as minor premise, and deduces conclusion from the major and minor premise.
So , for whole century , China has regards the opportunity to host the Olympics as a symbol of prosperity and also as a symbol of integration in the international community.
Singapore regards Macau's strength not as a competitive threat but rather as proof of concept.
It already refers to Xstrata as a "sister company" and regards an eventual merger as a foregone conclusion.
She regards me less as her teacher than as her friend.
Rural credit cooperative as high liabilities, risky special financial enterprise, regards taking precautions against and controlling risk as its most important work all the time.
The 21st century is an era of knowledge economy which regards knowledge and information as resources and talents as capital.
The Church still regards their relationship as living in sin, but many people nowadays use the phrase as a joke.
The traditional view on the function of writings regards texts as the source of literary function and readers as the passive object influenced by literary function.
This view is a dynamic one, in so far as it regards psychical processes as displacements of psychical energy which can be gauged by the amount of their effect on the affective elements.
And French civil law regards human reason as the foundation of persons while Germany civil law looks on capability of rights as the qualifications of persons in civil law.
And French civil law regards human reason as the foundation of persons while Germany civil law looks on capability of rights as the qualifications of persons in civil law.