The study of building energy efficiency as regards to public buildings is therefore of great significance.
Please check your bank account, and make a payment again. As regards to the production, it has been completed.
As regards to Duscher's attitude on the incident after the match, it could be seen as defiant for not making an apology.
Honey I am really missing you every day and I am not feeling fine here as regards to the condition of this refugee camp.
It still has a long way to go as regards to contemporary themes as compared with the achievement ancient theme displayed in drama.
Persistently low interest rates have imposed considerable burdens on leasing companies as regards to their income and cost situations.
The criterion for bearing stability is elucidated together with an analysis as regards to the relevant bearing of domestic 200mw units.
As regards to the family circumstances - I did not exaggerate. Family is very important in my life, especially since it is about to get bigger.
A manger went to his programmers and told them: "As regards to your work hours: you are going to have to come in at nine in the morning and leave at five in the afternoon."
Result There were no significant differences between cemented and cementless THR as regards to clinical outcomes, possible survivorship curve and the severity of osteolysis.
It is required by law to shut down banks which it regards as chronically short of capital.
The Church regards spirit mediums and people claiming to speak to the dead as heretical.
I was touched to find that he regards me as engaging.
The French measures, however, rely too much on severe punishment to change a culture that still regards beauty as skin-deep and bone-showing.
At the moment, though, more needs to be done to reduce the detrimental impact it would have on the environment, particularly as regards the use of energy.
Meanwhile Germany, the euro zone's unofficial banker, has made it clear that German taxpayers will not provide further support to countries that it regards as having behaved recklessly.
The philosophy of Objectivism also takes a morally absolutist stance, as it regards the laws of morality to be, like the laws of physics, inherent in the universe itself.
Mr Greenspan says it is impossible to anticipate crises and regards such a regulator as "ill-advised".
I have not come across much of golden pollen in her lotus bank, but have nothing to complain of as regards the profusion of the sweet savour of good-fellowship.
The White House apparently regards this as too much to ask.
During the Week, each participating country implements activities to inform and engage key target groups, and to target critical challenges as regards immunization in their country.
Ms Goodman regards auctions as a "necessary evil" and does her utmost to ensure that the works that she sells do not appear there.
This is because, for a woman, marriage is a declaration to the world that a man regards her as' special 'and intends to have a monogamous relation - ship with her.
This confident assurance did not seem to have the effect of relieving my mother's fears, but it served to free me from all timidity as regards my father.
This will focus on rural people, their sources of income, food and the options available to them as regards adaptation and mitigation.
Russia is still far from reconciled to NATO’s presence in countries that it regards as being within its “sphere of privileged interests”.
Russia is still far from reconciled to NATO's presence in countries that it regards as being within its “sphere of privileged interests”.
Russia is still far from reconciled to NATO's presence in countries that it regards as being within its “sphere of privileged interests”.