Now you have some birds that are quiet mature, quite capable, almost as soon as they hatch.
The world laughs as soon as you think yourself mature.
It is not important that he should mature as soon as an apple tree or an oak. Shall he turn his spring into summer?
Therefor, young cadres must build up a correct Weltanschauung and philosophy, strengthen exoterica accomplishment, endure test and training in exercise, and be mature as soon as.
Therefor, young cadres must build up a correct Weltanschauung and philosophy, strengthen exoterica accomplishment, endure test and training in exercise, and be mature as soon as possible.
Hang Seng (China) said that through more comprehensive preparatory work as soon as we can guarantee to provide customers with good products and mature supporting services.
Currently our MBA education is mainly education as the main object, the education system is not mature, even from MBA education, how will the MBA in international education as soon as possible?
Currently our MBA education is mainly education as the main object, the education system is not mature, even from MBA education, how will the MBA in international education as soon as possible?