On Thursday night the rebels' chief negotiator at the peace talks announced that dialogue had gone as far as it could go.
This makes him a skilled negotiator and peacemaker, as he showed when he intervened in the early 1990s in KwaZulu Natal, then on the brink of civil war.
As one senior negotiator in the bail-out talks laments, Greece is part of the single-currency area even though it has managed in effect to stay out of the single market.
For the past 17 years, Lopez has worked as a kidnap and ransom negotiator, a job in which his own safety - as well as that of the hostages - depends on his anonymity.
Ashton and Iran's chief nuclear negotiator, Saeed Jalili, have exchanged several letters in the past month and EU diplomats say they could hold talks as soon as September.
The United States also offered to serve as a negotiator in several international disputes during the late eighteen hundreds. One dispute involved Britain and Venezuela.
Ever the negotiator, he ensured that SkyBridge got on-screen publicity as the sponsor of a gala attended by Gordon Gekko, the film's main character.
Turkey says it is stopping its work as peace negotiator between the Israel and Syria because Israeli attacks on Hamas targets in Gaza.
As chief negotiator she has performed miracles in breaking down barriers between the two sides.
Turkey has played the role (unsuccessfully so far) as negotiator between Syria and Israel.
What do you think? Will the above suggestions make you a better negotiator as a woman?
As with the music industry, Jobs' skill is a relentless negotiator forces wireless companies to adopt an entirely new business model.
While Anakin was elevated as the "Hero With No Fear" for his daring heroics, Obi-Wan's more measured tactics earned him the reputation as "the Negotiator.
What effect the resignation of Dominique Strauss-Kahn will have is unclear. He was praised as a skillful negotiator in dealing with Europe and the global financial crisis.
First, this paper regards commercial banks as a monetary contract which creates and distributes organizational quasi-rent, thus the status-quo of each negotiator dominates ownership allocation.
The billionaire, known today for his mild manner and philanthropy, was a much harder figure in the early years of his career, where he was regarded as a hard negotiator and demanding boss.
如今,这位亿万富翁温文尔雅和乐善好施的形象已广为人知,但在创业早期,他给人留下的印象要强硬得多。 人们认为他是一个难对付的谈判者和苛刻的老板。
A bottom line ACTS as a final barrier where a negotiation will not proceed further; it signifies the worst possible outcome that a negotiator will accept.
Richard Law, the chief negotiator, remained glued to his desk as Arsenal sought to secure some much needed recruits before Wednesday's 11pm deadline.
Palestinian chief negotiator describes the peace process there as "stuck".
Later, Mr Collins was forced to abandon assassination, large-scale operations, IRA so stricken. Collins in as the main negotiator during a ceasefire agreement were assassinated...
Later, Mr Collins was forced to abandon assassination, large-scale operations, IRA so stricken. Collins in as the main negotiator during a ceasefire agreement were assassinated...