Was I recording events and ideas just as a reminder to memory, or was there some larger purpose for this daily exercise?
The purpose of this environment is to ensure that the application will truly deploy and run as required in production.
By developing your application in this way, your page will have more semantic meaning, as it is more likely to use HTML elements for their intended purpose.
This is unconvincing casuistry to those who see the purpose as simply lowering yields for countries that have lost the confidence of investors.
The purpose of this application is to compare climate data such as average rainfall for two given locations and to visualize their data as graphs in a chart.
The purpose of this method is to store the currently displayed number into the accumulator, to store the specified operation as well, and to reset the display for input of the next operand.
Using closures serves the same purpose in this situation as it would outside of a class: to contain a specific function to be bound within a small scope.
PNG files are the best image type to use for this purpose, but you can use any JPG image as an alternative.
The main purpose of this is to make the package as light as it can be.
Even shepherds and old country-folk, who are the deepest read in these arcana, have not a guess as to the means or purpose of this nightly resurrection.
Any account that is dedicated for this purpose will do, but I like to pick an account name that is easily recognized as administrative along with being self-documenting.
The Jibx2Wsdl tool is especially useful for this purpose, because it generates everything you need to easily deploy your existing code as an Axis2 service.
For this purpose I'll define ArgumentErrorException as an unchecked exception to be thrown if one of these errors occurs.
The purpose of this document is to provide a best practice for configuring Enhanced Search services, as well as creating and maintaining your search index.
For this purpose, you can think of model governance as the context and policies related to the application of the model management practices and procedures.
As mentioned earlier, the purpose of this article was mostly to provide an overview of Custom Data Binding and how it can benefit your application.
The W3C family of specifications collectively known as the Resource Description Framework (RDF) serves this purpose of providing methodologies to establish syntactic structures that describe data.
被称为资源描述框架(RDF)的 W3C系列规范就是服务于这个目的的技术,它用来建立描述数据的语义结构。
The first step in this process was to classify email messages for the purpose of reducing them (based on a set of fingerprints) as coming from a given organization.
The purpose of this article is to lay out the basic issues, common strategies and patterns, and some recommendations as to when and how to use locking strategies.
As I've already discussed, JSP claims to have been designed for this separation purpose, and therefore we should assume it achieves its objectives, right?
The only purpose for this class is to serve as a target class to apply intercepting filter chain representing individual activities.
Stakeholders such as process implementers or developers can more easily relate to their tasks because they see the larger context of their purpose: why they are doing this work.
You’re going to see this reflected in your own life too, as you grapple with the challenge of how to serve some greater life purpose while also making sure your individual needs are satisfied.
This scenario would occur most likely if we needed a broker flow to run for a maintenance purpose, such as processing or clearing rows that have accumulated in a data base table.
This is 1969, and the purpose that's alleged for appealing to the author as a paternal source, as an authority, is, according to both Barthes and Foucault, to police the way texts are read.
Under a 1986 law, money has to be raised for a purpose, such as a building.However, this is a matter of substance rather than form.
For the purpose of this article, consider two queue managers, which I will refer to as QMA and QMB.
根据本文的目的,我将使用两个队列管理器,我把它们称为QMA和Q MB。
As I have stated many times in this series, a model is not drawn in a vacuum; it is created to serve a specific purpose.
This will lead to better stack tracebacks, as the frame pointer register is used as a frame pointer rather than a general purpose register.
This will lead to better stack tracebacks, as the frame pointer register is used as a frame pointer rather than a general purpose register.