In its first function as WHO Goodwill Ambassador, a quartet from the Orchestra performed this morning at the opening of the World Health Assembly.
Please write the information, such as who, what, where and when, below your photos.
Buyer is addlepated so much as who he can not buy a right ticket!
But here, they say we have to accept our kids as who they are.
Some of the questions were easy, such as who lives in the White House.
The system should lay down the rules of the road, such as who has to give way.
We advocate on behalf of millions of patients worldwide and our strong partners such as WHO and the Global Fund.
You can see the date of the chat along with the start and end times of the chat as well as who initiated the chat.
Though they may have found my empty rooms, bare walls, and sparse wardrobe quirky, they simply accepted it as who I was.
Then you want to be working with very smart people, smart as who you work with and the kind of exposure you will get.
The study offers insight into the behaviour of some contestants on TV programmes such as Who Wants to be a Millionaire. Photo: itv.
The header provides information about the origin of the event, such as who generated the event, and where and when it was generated.
The material on which an autograph was signed, and whether the star was living or dead, could have as much of an impact as who signed it.
On her appointment as WHO Goodwill Ambassador, Ambassador Brinker said: "I would like to thank the WHO for this great honor and opportunity."
World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General, Dr LEE Jong-wook today appointed the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra as WHO Goodwill Ambassador.
"I think you score points by how you play as much as who is playing, and I think my gut is the volume of how fast we play is going up," he said.
As WHO Goodwill Ambassador, the Orchestra will use the universal appeal of music to tell the story of WHO's work in improving people's health.
A quartet from the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra spoke with music, and played in the opening ceremony before being appointed as WHO Goodwill Ambassador.
You can document information about this activity, such as who does the work (participant), cycle time, known problems, and other relevant information.
Then I read Rosalind Miles's book The Women's History of the World (recently republished as Who Cooked the Last Supper?) and I knew I needed to look again.
后来我阅读了Rosalind Miles的《女人的世界史》(最近更名为《谁做了最后的晚餐? 》再版),我知道我需要再看一遍。
Now, the Welcome page shows the critical user information, such as who the meeting moderator is, what the meeting is about, and the meeting start time.
We believe that Ms. Margaret Chan's being elected as WHO Director-General will help WHO to play a more active role in the field of international health.
Against Type: His utterly terrifying performance as Who Framed Roger Rabbit's malevolent Judge Doom, scared the pants off many an unsuspecting youngster.
May 2005 | Geneva - World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General, Dr LEE Jong-wook today appointed the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra as WHO Goodwill Ambassador.
These are some of my personal commitments as WHO moves forward to meet the goals set by the international community and the priorities you as Member States give us.
As soon as WHO was established, it appointed more reference centres, starting in 1947 with the world Influenza centre in London for worldwide epidemiological surveillance.
Start thinking of yourself as who you want to become. Rather than being a banker who paints as a hobby, you are an artist who supplements your income with your banking job.
Search engines gather a lot of information from other sites (such as who links to you, or what words they use to describe your site) and use this to help understand your site.
Also use the opportunity to ask any pre-game questions you may have-such as who will be present at the interview and what support materials the interviewers might be interested in.
Also use the opportunity to ask any pre-game questions you may have-such as who will be present at the interview and what support materials the interviewers might be interested in.