For ticket information, please ask at your local station or call 1312. While Queensland Rail makes every effort to ensure trains run as scheduled, there can be no guarantee of connections between trains or between train services and bus services.
For instance, if you ask a volunteer to create a Website with a page of information about upcoming events, you will need to plan onresources and expertise to update it.
Ask only for what you need: Don't retrieve the entire contents of a table — or the entire contents of many XML documents — if you only need a subset of this information.
Well, what kind of contact information are you going to ask for?
But Hollywood did not ask to be the sole source of information about America for an entire nation.
DNS is a distributed service, in that more than one server is capable of responding to a given query, providing it knows who to ask for the information.
The ability to offer an opt-in form for subscribers that would ask them for a limited amount of information such as: Name, mailing address, and email address.
As a result some people just accept the information they are given without really understanding it, or forget to ask questions essential for their peace of mind.
Other times you might need to ask the user of your program (which you might recall can be another program and not a real human at all) for more or alternate information.
It will ask you for various types of information in order to set up the network before starting the installation.
Buried in the summaries and Outlines of these reports are often golden nuggets of information that can spark the perfect question for you to ask or the right approach that you should take.
InteliHealth: This reference site has an Ask the Expert section, as well as a database full of information for diseases and conditions, from asthma to digestive issues to weight management to STDs.
If you could know in advance which information a user was going to ask for, you could use Ajax mechanisms to "get ahead of the game," asking for the data before it's required.
One way you can help the business team help you is to ask users for a "wish list" -- information that they would ideally like to have, regardless of current requirements.
If there's too much doubt, the system might ask for another piece of information, such as a personal detail pulled from public-records databases, before letting the user finish logging in.
The first assessment of the current environment can be time consuming as stakeholders and information is identified and gathered for the first to support the assessment and ask the questions.
So, for example you could ask them to reply by email with a specific title and attach a document which contains information that they can set up in a number of different ways.
“Give information and answer questions 80 percent of the time, and 20 percent of the time ask for help, ” he said.
If this is the case, you need to ask for less information or increase the perceived value of the information being offered to the visitor.
But these days, on-line services don't need to ask for the information, they can offer IDU just based on the the digital finger print of you device.
Now we usually ask for a piece of information which we can use to check your identity, for security reasons.
Modern production has came to densely knowledge, especially wide infiltrate of information technology and network technology, and new work chance ask labor for more and more education and skills.
People call me out of the blue and thank me, ask me for my information. Hire me. They buy from me.
For example, let's say you're calling a bank to ask about a certain rate and then you discover later they misquoted you the information, you'd have a backup of your conversation as proof.
For example, you might see a sword, and then you would ask, "Does this mean she's angry?" you might then get a feeling of no or yes, or you may get other information that helps you to understand.
Explain why you write the email, or report the updates of the issue you both concern, or state the information you want to confirm, or raise questions you ask for help or clarify CLEARLY.
What this means for you: if you open a personal account, we will ask for your name, address, taxpayer identification number, date of birth, and other information that will allow us to identify you.
What this means for you: if you open a personal account, we will ask for your name, address, taxpayer identification number, date of birth, and other information that will allow us to identify you.