If you've heard something bad about your friends, find a proper way of asking them about it by yourself.
And the way you show respect for a philosopher is by taking those arguments seriously and asking yourself, do they work or not?
The most basic way is to create an update site with a feature containing your plug-in and asking the user to install that feature from the update site.
Asking good questions is a great way to show you know the company!
Instead, interruption is a way of politely asking another thread to stop what it is doing if it wants to, at its convenience.
Of course, having a small percentage of the electorate [voting this way] doesn't pose too much risk, but we now have the public asking, 'If they can do it, why can't we?
The programmatic way of asking a requirement about the requirements that trace to it can be expressed fairly straightforwardly, as Listing 10 shows.
If you have control over the service, consider returning a unique identifier to your callers that provides them with a way of later asking a different service method about the status of the request.
It is also a relatively easy way to reduce carbon dioxide, compared to the effort required in asking the world to stop driving cars and running factories.
This is why people are asking for a way to make Azure cheaper for very small services and web sites.
Others are asking RedGate to open source the code, or wondering if there is a way to take Roeder’s code and build an open source version on it.
No one is asking for the all-is-lovely school of biography, but a lot more horticulture and a bit more understanding of the man beneath the tricky exterior would go a long way.
A "call to action" is a request to your reader, asking them to do something specific. You'll want actions that help you in some way.
A good way to begin this process is by asking yoruself some tough questions.
A number of Austrians have raffled off their homes recently, as they see it as a way of securing their desired asking price if they fail to find a buyer by more traditional methods.
If you have trouble communicating what you want or asking tough questions, regular writing will give you a mind for structuring words quickly to achieve the desired affect in a diplomatic way.
The boss just acted as a taskmaster but mostly got in the way with a lot of pressure and asking for time-consuming reports.
Managers promoting a new venture or initiative often don't realize that, even as they are asking people to behave in a new way, they are making it difficult for that to happen.
Lusskin says even though depression screening tests are helpful, asking the patient simple questions about her mood can go a long way.
The best way to engage a stranger is by asking a lot of questions about what he or she does.
Asking help from their parents might be a way out, but the problem is that some aging parents are not strong enough to take care of the kids, and the kids may also become too spoiled by grandparents.
Start asking them about feelings and the next thing you'll see is their credit-card receipt for a one-way ticket to Rio.
The only way to do that is to involve users in the architecture process by asking them to think on a scalable level, too.
I can't stress enough that the workplace is a competitive environment, and while there is nothing wrong with asking for a raise, demanding one can backfire in the worst kind of way.
This might be a more precise way of raising the question people keep asking.
What we are asking for in that question is evidence, a set of references to the conventions of symbolism, or to the author’s biography, laid out in such a way as to make the interpretation compelling.
If you don't get a lot of reader emails, don't let that stop you... find a way to solicit Suggestions from others, asking for emails or comments on your blog or whatever it is you do.
If you don't get a lot of reader emails, don't let that stop you... find a way to solicit Suggestions from others, asking for emails or comments on your blog or whatever it is you do.