Upon asking for information I was told I must wait.
I wasn't blaspheming, I was asking for information.
Visitors showed great interest in their products, asking for information at the service point.
I'm really fed up with asking for information every time. We agreed that he should send me relevant information when available.
The Justice Department said Pfizer sales people created sham requests from physicians asking for information about unapproved USES of certain drugs.
Misty said the family drove all over the area, rode four-wheelers around the property, put up lost-dog ads, and went door-to-door asking for information on their pet.
Asking for information or help is a very common and necessary activity, especially when we visit a foreign country, so knowing how to ask for information politely is important.
In any case, new graduate students can learn who their advisers or temporary advisers are by visiting or emailing the departmental office and asking for the information.
When people who hold the purse strings tell people asking for money to answer those three questions very specifically, they're asking for almost useless information.
The DOE will issue a formal request for information, asking the private sector to comment on various CCS technologies, with the hope of building several plants.
These include the infamous Nigerian prince asking for money and more personalized scams devised from the abundance of personal information on the Web.
In this lesson, we'll look at using probing questions to dig for more information, ensuring vendor expertise by asking about past experience, asking leading questions, and confirming information.
Hillman and friends have contacted several animal-rights groups, and received responses from some asking for more information.
One thread asking another for information can cause a thread switch, or one thread preempting another can cause a thread switch.
Sometimes there are lazy questions, such as asking someone for information that you could easily have looked up; asking a lazy question will not endear you to the person you're interviewing.
Example 1: Asking for Lots of Personal information.
If you could know in advance which information a user was going to ask for, you could use Ajax mechanisms to "get ahead of the game," asking for the data before it's required.
Unless you have absolute confidence in the site that is asking for it, never give up your computer password, your social security number or your credit card information.
Asking for unnecessary information annoys people and may discourage them from signing up.
That means, among other things, asking them to “opt in” to services that gather sensitive information and making it easy for them to opt out again at any time.
Customers are reminded to ignore emails asking for confidential account or log-in information and remember that familiar looking links in an email can redirect to a fraudulent site.
We've also presented and explained how to use several powerful new features, such as revalidation in memory and access to type information — something developers have been asking for for a long time.
I received a few comments asking for more information on this particular tip, so today I want to delve a little deeper into this topic.
When gathering contact information, only gather the demographic information you really need - asking for unnecessary information annoys people and may discourage them from signing up.
When gathering contact information, only gather the demographic information you really need - asking for unnecessary information annoys people and may discourage them from signing up.