MCU programming is carried out with assembly language, and it controls the system and collects the testing data.
Programming the software program of the assembly robot's control system.
Moreover, a hybrid programming of FORTRAN and assembly language is used for the software system. In this way a fast run speed as well as the various powerful graphics functions have been achieved.
Assembly language programming also helps when learning how the operating system loads and executes application programs.
In this paper, the measurement principle, system implementation, assembly programming and error analysis for the approach are given. The effectiveness of the approach is demonstrated by an example.
In system's software design is take Keil51 as the simulation platform, used the C language and the assembly language mix programming has compiled the system application software;
In this paper, the measurement principle, system implementation, assembly programming and error analysis for the approach are given. The effectiveness of the approach is demonstrated...
In this paper, the measurement principle, system implementation, assembly programming and error analysis for the approach are given. The effectiveness of the approach is demonstrated...