Because there are so many factors that can influence NFS performance, make changes only one-at-a-time so that you can accurately assess the impact of your change.
There is growing demand for boards to undergo a formal evaluation process, to assess both the performance of each individual board member and how they work together as a group.
Because there are so many factors that can influence NFS performance, make changes only one at a time so that you can accurately assess the impact of your change.
To assess your enterprise's need for governance you need to know the expected performance levels expected of your portal organization.
Build Forge makes it easy for you to quickly assess the health of your processes with comprehensive reporting that includes iteration speed, performance, optimization, and so on.
You can't assess the behavior and performance of a specific agent-for example, a financial-services company-without gauging the behavior and performance of the system in which it is embedded.
Within each group they know or have heard of who is who, assess each others' ability, and play the competitive game of performance ranking.
As long as you have defined goals and track ecommerce transactions, you can use the metrics on the goal Conversion and ecommerce tabs to assess the performance of any campaign.
If you have goals or ecommerce set up on your site, you have a much wider range of metrics with which to assess performance.
Assess the adequacy of the performance measurement system, achievement of corporate objective.
IllustrationMost organizations use measurements in various ways to assess performance or effectiveness of various courses of action.
to track the performance of special funds, inspect the fund administration and utilization in project implementation and assess and examine the project efficiencies;
They can also be used to assess the performance of policies over time.
No effort was made to assess the performance of the surveyed materials as surface travelling wave absorbers.
How do you assess the Safety Performance of any potential sub-contractor?
Better use of data to assess performance and to improve.
Second part describe relevant theory of staff performance assess, aiming at establishing the theoretical foundation for the ensuing chapters.
Communication problems are an important cause to lead to project failure and project communication enhancement is hindered by the absence of approach to assess project communication performance.
The paper uses Monte Carlo digital simulation and reliability assessment equation of binomial distribution to assess the performance reliability of the ignition device for a gas generator.
Performance assess, as the most important part of the human resource management, is one of the most powerful means of the company's management nowadays.
That means the system of enterprise training and management is closely connected with the systems of job analysis, employees assess, performance evaluation, salary and job change.
The present study abroad mainly seeks to assess the role of DMs in different contexts such as an interview, a casual conversation, and an elicited narrative, native and non-native speaker performance.
More accurate methods of reporting adverse events are needed in order to truly assess the clinical performance of different radiotherapy regimens.
The objectives of this experiment were to assess effects of dietary energy on sow reproductive performance and serum parameters.
Performance evaluation is an important method to assess the operational level of organizations.
Performance evaluation is an important method to assess the operational level of organizations.