The second part analyses the profit and risk of Asset-backed securitization.
The essence of education credit asset-backed securitization is division and integration of debts contract and shares contract.
Asset-Backed Securitization is one of many effective methods to handling of bad financial asset by many assets management company in many foreign countries.
In America, the scale of the Asset-backed securitization market has exceeded the scale of company bond market and national bond market, and has been the biggest part of the bond market.
OWS was founded by David Sherr, a former Lehman managing director and global head of the firm's securitization business, who left in March 2008 to start OWS to trade asset-backed securities.
OWS的创始人是戴维•谢尔,前雷曼兄弟(Lehman Brothers)董事总经理兼证券化业务国际主管。他于2008年离开雷曼兄弟,创立OWS,专门交易资产抵押证券。
Securitization instruments, that are the most types of asset-backed securities including mortgage-backed securities, have NOT yet been seen in China.
By the end of 2005, asset securitization pilots were launched in China. By the end of 2007, the number of asset-backed securities launched by Banks had reached five.
Asset securitization originated from the United States housing mortgage backed securities in the 1970s.
At its most simplistic level, asset securitization is the issuance of a debt instrument backed by a revenue-producing asset of the issuing company.
Asset securitization originated from the United States mortgage backed securities in the 1970s.
The Fed is still ramping up its initiative to revive securitization of consumer and business loans, the Term Asset-Backed Securities loan Facility.
In case of credit assets backed securities, the paper explores the special risks of asset securitization-default risk, and the default risks with KMV model.
Asset backed securitization is one of most advanced financial tool in the world.
Asset backed securitization is one of most advanced financial tool in the world.