This is the first time that this example is using a relation as a declarative statement to define an expression (in other words, a value assignment) instead of using it for model-to-model mapping.
An important factor in tool implementation is deciding where to introduce it: What's the best "first assignment" to demonstrate the tool's full capabilities and value?
Subsequently, its value is set to an order number returned by a custom code action by using a variable assignment action.
If an exception was raised, then assignment to the scoped variable will occur: as the EL expression in Listing 18 suggests, its value will not be empty.
Any assignment that changes a value is called a destructive assignment and is not permitted.
In many ways, for is the assignment of a variable to the current value in a node set, so you can operate on that variable.
The first statement right here, that's just an assignment statement, I'm giving some value to x.
An identifier is defined and initialized in an assignment and can be used anywhere a value is allowed. Listing 3 shows a sample grammar.
Priority assignment algorithm is given and the value of time parameter is discussed.
While they may not enjoy deadlines, if they value the assignment, they will meet those deadlines.
All assignment operators return the value that is assigned to the left operand.
The last panel before the actual migration begins is the Port Value Assignment dialog (Figure 6).
在开始实际迁移之前的最后一个面板是“PortValue Assignment”对话框(图6)。
With the extra time, I try to find ways to "add value" to each assignment, both my own and the firm's.
When first using Pointers, the difference in whether an assignment is to the pointer or through the pointer to the value pointed to can be confusing.
The transition of contemporary composition teaching can be viewed from the three dimensions of value orientation, content and assignment.
A value that can be used as the right-hand, but not left-hand side of an assignment. An rvalue may be read but not written.
Social life is the source of art creation. Expressing emotion is not only the basic assignment of art creation, but also an important factor of weighing the work's value.
To model check a value-passing concurrent system, an abstract model must be constructed, and Symbolic Transition Graphs with Assignment is such an abstract model.
The theory of value formation and value assignment is an important part in the economic theories in each historical period.
Since long ago, Marx's value theory and his assignment theory have met stern challenge coming from discussion of the theory and the social practice.
The assignment would fail quietly, and the only way to discover the assignment failure would be to test if the value actually changed.
Initialization happens when a variable is created and gives that variable its initial value. Assignment involves obliterating an object's current value and replacing that value with a new one.
The assignment of the burden of proof is the core question of the burden of proof theory, it has very high theoretical and practical value.
Do you turn down an assignment if it looks too hard? Every time you do that, you are missing out on the opportunity to prove your value.
In order that the value of load vector can forecast the load of the next time for tasks assignment, this system utilizes the disposed load information to construct load vector.
If you set a bit to the value 1, the corresponding processor is selected for thread assignment.
If you set a bit to the value 1, the corresponding processor is selected for thread assignment.