Wiener was the assistant principal of Intermediate School 236 in Hollis in the New York borough of Queens.
Mietlicki, who is now assistant principal at John Paul II High School in Corpus Christi, says he can't comment on details of the case.
Michael Schwarz is the principal scientist at Yahoo Labs and Yuri Takhteyev is an assistant professor at the University of Toronto School of Information.
It included a brief item about a former classmate: "Kate L. teaches part-time at the University of Oklahoma and is assistant principal at County High School."
Class size and the amount of such a conducive school management, general school has only one principal and a vice principal or assistant principal;
I am an assistant principal of a New York City Public high school.
Story 1, a middle school in San Diego was evacuated when an assistant principal saw an 11 year old kid's science project and thought it might be a threat.
At school I am a competent assistant for our principal and at home I am a wise daughter for my parents.
At school I am a competent assistant for our principal and at home I am a wise daughter for my parents.