The Astronomer Royal, who ought to know, tells me that the earth is round.
I got two letters from the Astronomer Royal thanking me for writing about meteors.
John Flamsteed, the first Astronomer Royal, observed one in 1684, after a gap of ten years.
Sir Harold Spencer Jones, Astronomer Royal of the UK, 1957 (two weeks later Sputnik orbited the Earth).
Britain's first Astronomer Royal, John Flamsteed, is believed to have observed the supernova that spawned it in 1680.
Martin Rees, the astronomer royal, calls the search for extraterrestrial life the most important scientific endeavour of our time.
Carelessly. I was just chatting this afternoon at the viceregal lodge to my old PALS, Sir Robert and lady ball, astronomer royal, at the levee.
Martin Rees, one of the world's most eminent astronomers, is a professor of cosmology and astrophysics at the University of Cambridge and the UK's Astronomer Royal.
MartinRees ,全世界最有卓越的天体物理学家之一,剑桥大学的宇宙和天体物理学家,英国皇家天文学家。
Astronomer Royal Martin Rees has publicly offered a bet that a biological catastrophe-accidental or intentional-will kill at least one million people by 2020 (so far, no takers).
Astronomer Royal Martin Rees has publicly offered a bet that a biological catastrophe-accidental or intentional-will kill at least one million people by 2020 (so far, no takers).