A small troop was threading the causeway at a good pace.
When we could we managed to play at a good pace for 60 minutes, after it was much more difficult.
"Good-bye, Ida, " said the bridegroom's mother with a laugh; and the carriage rattled away at a good pace, in order to overtake the others.
In the meanwhile we had been making headway at a good pace for a boat so overloaded, and we had shipped but little water in the process. We were now close in;
She added: "We hope these studies will help more people realise that there are many ways to get exercise, activities like walking at a good pace or digging the garden over can count too."
They went at a pretty good pace.
While it's not good to do every run or your entire run at a hard pace (easy days are important), you should sometimes try to push yourself to get some results.
Take them easy at first, but once you're used to hills, you can get a good pace going.
Make it Happen: Practice running with good form at a pace that feels comfortable from start to finish.
A test-prep program at his school taught him to get plenty of sleep, eat a good breakfast and pace himself on the test.
Keep all your runs at an easy, conversational pace for at least 6-8 weeks, until you have a good running base established.
On runs when you're feeling good and fluid, finish up the last 5 to 10 minutes at a "comfortably fast" pace, about the pace you could maintain for 30 to 60 minutes.
当你的跑步感觉舒服流畅,最后5- 10分钟以“舒服的加速”的配速进行,也就是你能坚持30- 60分钟左右的配速。
The good news is that Congress moves at a glacial pace.
So therefore, you can Reiki to help everything about your life and the lives of those around you to heal at a much faster pace and for the highest good of those involve.
"It was a good game at good pace, slowly we took over and in the second half it was all us," said Wenger.
Liverpool played a pace above us, won all the 50-50s in the first half and at half time 1-0 was a good result for us.
At the moment Milan's condition is good. We played at a high pace against Bayern for 75 minutes and it is completely normal that in the last 15 minutes the players backed down a bit.
We selected a nice variety of seafood, soup, meat, and vegetables, which were all served at an even and well timed pace along with some good Chinese tea.
We selected a nice variety of seafood, soup, meat, and vegetables, which were all served at an even and well timed pace along with some good Chinese tea.