You can have it at a very low price.
We can offer you our new products at a very low price.
It's almost like hiring a maid through the Internet at a very low price.
Having to sell my first company at a very low price when the dotcom bubble burst.
L Mart provides a Photo to Cross Stitch Chart Conversion Service at a very low price.
Rather than sell the eggs at a very low price, she would keep them for her own children.
I got this house at a very low price and sold it for a $20,000 profit a week later. Talk about my easy money!
The compliant vehicle is not only safe and swift, but it also features dynamic styling and quality production at a very low price.
He says the industrialization of electronic parts for smartphones and tablets lets them get the technology — including GPS — at a very low price.
Tina and Linda want to make some money by selling some cosmetic products, because one of Linda's girl friends can get those products at a very low price.
Playing right into the attacks against him, Sands's marketing pitched, "Listen, there are a lot of people very upset that Russell is sharing these secrets, especially at such a low price."
Beside, when the market thickness is small, the buyer is at the advantage of collecting per-rent. As a result, the price of asset is definitely very low.
Beside, when the market thickness is small, the buyer is at the advantage of collecting per-rent. As a result, the price of asset is definitely very low.