Home prices began climbing at an unprecedented rate in 2001.
As a result, new diseases are emerging at an unprecedented rate.
However, the biological species on earth is disappearing at an unprecedented rate.
Greed is also the reason why people are depleting natural resources at an unprecedented rate.
Finally, in 1876, milk was added, and chocolate production took off at an unprecedented rate.
Sea level rose and forest were destroyed at an unprecedented rate during the last decade.
But sadly, today, languages are dying at an unprecedented rate. A language dies every 14 days.
In contemporary society, the human race is advancing at an unprecedented rate in a multitude of arenas.
With its fertility artificially suppressed by the one-child policy, it is ageing at an unprecedented rate.
Not only are the mountain's glaciers retreating at an unprecedented rate, but its remaining ice is thinning.
Therefore, the MCU control system is at an unprecedented rate to replace the classic electronic control system.
World population is growing at an unprecedented rate, and this increase in population only exacerbates these problems.
Astronomers are actually observing meteors, asteroids, and other space debris striking the Sun at an unprecedented rate.
Your fellow citizens are traveling to the United States at an unprecedented rate, and China-wide demand for visas to the u.
The American and Chinese populations are aging at an unprecedented rate, imposing significant challenges for both countries.
Meltdown is also designed to increase mental clarity and mood with minimal jitteriness while burning fat at an unprecedented rate.
"Wildlife is disappearing within our life times at an unprecedented rate," said Marco Lambertini, director general of WWF International.
Then something changed. As the fortunes of Gates and Buffett surged, the price of being America's richest man soared at an unprecedented rate.
Your fellow citizens are traveling to the United States at an unprecedented rate, and China-wide demand for visas to the U.S is at an all-time high.
In the two decades since the end of the Cold War, the free flow of information, people, goods and services has accelerated at an unprecedented rate.
Washington, DC: Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions arecausing ocean acidification to progress at an unprecedented rate, a newAmerican research has found.
Your fellow citizens are traveling to the United States at an unprecedented rate, and China-wide demand for visas to the U. s is at an all-time high.
Driven by the "new economy of internet and computer entrepreneurs, the wealth of those at the top of the financial tree has increased at an unprecedented rate."
Along with the integration of the international market and the globalization of economic activities, the international trade developing at an unprecedented rate.
Poverty – which had been dropping across East Asia at an unprecedented rate of 9 percent a year in the five years before the crisis – started spiraling upwards again.
After the agricultural and industrial civilizations of baptism, man is at an unprecedented rate into a computer, communication, and information support of the information Age.
Despite repeated global pledges to protect the planet's species and habitats -and the goods and services they provide -the variety of life on Earth continues to decline at an unprecedented rate.
Despite repeated global pledges to protect the planet's species and habitats - and the goods and services they provide - the variety of life on Earth continues to decline at an unprecedented rate.
Despite repeated global pledges to protect the planet's species and habitats - and the goods and services they provide - the variety of life on Earth continues to decline at an unprecedented rate.