The playboy lifestyle that cost Mutu his job at Chelsea suggests there was a time, at least, when Mutu was not exactly careful with his money.
Structural and infrastructural damage may be devastating exactly at the time when health facilities are most needed.
And by sheer luck, tax cuts, planned when the economy was still strong, inflated demand at exactly the right time.
Remember last time at the end of class we were trying to figure out what exactly happens near the bottom point, when we have this motion that seems to stop and go backwards.
She oftentimes knows what I'm going to say even before I do, and most of the time she knows exactly when not to say anything to me at all.
通常,我还没开口她就知道我要说什么了; 而且,在我不想和人答腔的时候,她都能感受到,并做到缄口不言。
She oftentimes knows what I'm going to say even before I do, and most of the time she knows exactly when not to say anything to me at all.
通常,我还没开口她就知道我要说什么了; 而且,在我不想和人答腔的时候,她都能感受到,并做到缄口不言。