At first glance this is good news for the emerging markets.
At first glance this is just another thread pool, but it supports parent-child relationships between tasks.
At first glance this is a quite different state of consciousness. He can move, he can talk, he can make calculations ahead, and so on.
It would be easy to assume, at first glance, that the watery rectangle in the center of this image is a harbor.
At first glance, this strategy seems like a good idea — code duplication is a bad thing, so consolidating these duplicated paths should be an improvement.
At first glance it may look like a fearsome snake but this rearing creature is actually a small caterpillar with a cunning means of defence.
At first glance, this Bangkok airport doesn't look particularly strange, but sandwiched between the two runways is in fact an 18-hole golf course.
This is a bit confusing at first glance because it USES a strange combination of letters.
At first glance, I thought this is a NASA image of some sort, maybe a solar flare.
A first glance at this cartoon tells us that a matchmaker is attempting to create a crush between a man and a woman.
In this case, both the adminblog and main weblog collections have sets of categories, but there is more to this data than might meet the eye at first glance.
At first glance this appears to be a vast improvement but Federation in SQL Azure is still a long way away from even a preview release.
At first glance, this problem does not seem too complex, but the main challenge faced by the map is in carrying out the extract of the relevant Quantity occurrences for a particular slice.
At first glance, it is easy to see why this topic is often ignored.
In this case, the author is writing about hanging out with friends, going on an interview, and speaking publicly, which, at first glance, don't seem to relate to each other that much.
This makes it puzzling, at first glance, that it is the euro, not the Asian currencies, that is soaring.
At first glance it looks as if there is no element of "present involvement" in this use of the present perfect any more than in the simple past.
Margin is also a good eye at first glance, looking for so long, I wanted to find a honest, this sub-people, so she decided to go along.
Remarkable young woman, almost do not see these two lines, but if a deep ditch at first glance give the impression that the sentence - this man is not young.
This may not, at first glance, be a major factor but in fact it is a crucial element in weight control.
Looks at first glance, this is a good idea.
This matter seems very easy at first glance, but actually it is rather complicated.
What 's wrong with this picture? At first glance, it seems like not much, as the young man is dressed in a dapper suit and tie.
This is the spectacular sight of dozens of pairs of caiman eyes peering out from water at night. At first glance it looks like swarms of fireflies lighting up the night skies.
This wine is full of character, and begs attention at first glance due to its lovely, deep, ruby-red color.
He said: "At first glance, you would think, Oh, my God, this is a bad thing."
He said: "At first glance, you would think, Oh, my God, this is a bad thing."